Blog — Alberta Aviation Council

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Selfie Poker Run

The Alberta Chapter of the Ninety-Nines present the

Selfie Poker Run

Saturday, September 17, 2022
(Rain Date: Sunday September 18, 2022)

Come out for a fun day of flying, and the chance to win prizes for the best poker hands!

Poker Run Rules:

  1. Land at five of the designated airports.

  2. Take a selfie of yourself, and the terminal building at the airport.

  3. Make sure that the date and time are saved, and that the airport identifier is shown on the picture.

  4. The terminus airport (Olds-Didsbury) counts as one of your five airports!

  5. You must arrive back at Olds-Didsbury (CEA3) before 14:30pm local time.

At the Terminus Airport:

  1. Buy your poker hand (1 hand = $10.00, each additional hand costs $5.00). Cash or Cheque only.

  2. Get your five pictures approved by a designated member of the Ninety-Nines

  3. Once your photos have been approved draw a card per airport. If you have more than one hand, draw five cards per hand. You may not rearrange the cards to make your hands.

  4. Sign the hand and turn your poker hand into the judges.

  5. While you are waiting for the final results and the prizes, the Olds-Didsbury Flying Club will have food for purchase. Enjoy some tasty treats and relax with your fellow aviators!

Designated Airports:

  • Bassano (CEN2)

  • Claresholm (CEJ4)

  • Drumheller (CEG4)

  • High River (CEN4)

  • Lacombe (CEG3)

  • Medicine Hat (CYXH)

  • Parkland (CPL6)

  • Red Deer (CYQF)

  • Rocky Mountain House (CYRM)

  • Three Hills (CEN3)

  • Wetaskiwin (CEX3)

Please Register by September 12, 2022 to


AAC Newsletter Summer 2022

What Has the Council Been Doing Over the Past Few Months?

  1. Bram Tilroe & Bruce Sinclair, Representing the Council on the first Alberta Air Tours this summer . These directors also flew to Del Bonita airstrip.

  2. Three AAC Directors attend Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame Induction Gala. All with guests of the council, directors Brian Andrus, Scott Clements and Kevin Wong represented the council at this event.

  3. AAC Directors planned the Spring Conference. Conference summary found on.

Message from Our Chair

Finally, we are able to enjoy a summer of person-to-person meeting and many flying activities throughout the province. The Alberta AAC ran a very successful Conference in Calgary which set us up on a new path to rejuvenate and encourage more participation in the activities of the Council.

Bram Tilroe


Greetings from the Alberta International Aerospace and Logistics Exposition (AIALE)

Greetings from the Alberta International Aerospace and Logistics Exposition (AIALE) taking place at the Alberta International Airshow, Villeneuve Airport August 12-14, 2022. The AIALE this year will feature a trade show and career exposition providing an opportunity for aerospace and logistic businesses in Alberta promote their company as well as look at recruiting prospective employees.

The show will have an audience of over 10,000 guests visiting the site each day. With the diverse number of individuals interested in aspects of aviation, no doubt there maybe those looking towards a career.

We are looking for a variety of businesses which would include occupations such as baggage handlers, bowsers drivers, AMEs, machinists, pilots, and ramp personal to name a few. This opportunity to showcase your company and we do encourage you to bring the hardware. This will show potential employees the equipment they might be associated with. The theme is ‘A Career Exposition with the Hardware’.

In the coming weeks we will forward additional information, schedule and costs related to the exposition site at the airport. It will be a standard 8’ x 10’ booth with power, 2 chairs and a skirted table. There is an will be special parking for vendors next to the facility. There will also be an opportunity for vendors to purchase chalet tickets to cater your potential customers. The event is also looking for sponsors to support our endeavours to encourage the exposition as well as the airshow. More details will be available on the airshow website. ( .

Career Exposition contact:
