Alberta AAC is pleased to announce the SAAC Members:
The Lieutenant Governor in Council:
1) Appoints Richard Gotfried, MLA, as a member and designates him as the Chair of the Strategic Aviation Advisory Council for a term to expire on June 22, 2030;
2) Appoints the following persons as members of the Strategic Aviation Advisory Council, each for a term to expire on June 22, 2030:
(a) Brian Andrus
(b) David C. Curtis
(c) Elizabeth Evans
(d) Lynda Holden
(e) Justin Jimmy
(f) Kendra Kincade
(f) Robert Ndule
(g) Denean Tomlin
(h) Ferio Pugliese
(i) Robert Ndule
(j) William Stewart
(k) Myron Keehn
(l) Chris Dinsdale
(m) Cole Rosentreter
(n) Richard Skermer
Minister of Transportation
Richard Gotfried’s Private Members Bill 201 passed its third reading in the Legislature on June 22, 2020 which paves the way for the formation of the Strategic Aviation Advisory Council (SAAC). The official start for the Council will be December 31, 2020 and Richard will act as the Chair. Richard was a former regional manager for Cathay Pacific Airlines and was the driving force behind this advisory group. His experience in the aviation field and enthusiasm will provide the leadership to enhance and advance Alberta’s aviation strategy.
SAAC will endeavor to create industry opportunities and economic development, and, as a focused aviation community, it will create a direct channel to the government including connections to the ministries of Transport, Economic Development, Trade and Tourism and Finance. The Council cannot develop or dictate policy for the Government. It is an independent body which represents our aviation and aerospace industries to provide stronger direction for Alberta’s aviation future.
Alberta AAC has been actively engaged in working with Richard on this initiative and will be a key partner over the four years the SAAC is legislated to exist.
To fulfill its purposes under this Act, the council must do each of the following:
(a) research and analyze information about aviation and aerospace-related services, infrastructure and training and other sectors, directly or indirectly, impacted by these services;
(b) consult with key sectoral corporations, organizations, associations, institutions and professional and employee groups;
(c) prepare and submit to the Minister an annual report containing the following:
(i) recommendations in respect of improving aviation and aerospace-related services,infrastructure and training;
(ii) a report on progress in respect of the previous year’s recommendations.
The Strategic Aviation Advisory Council is pleased to announce the following Advisors to the council. The Advisors are appointed industry leaders in their field who will provide advise to the council.
Howard Eng
Shane Getson
Stephen Jones
David Goldstein
Myron Keehn
Mike McNaney
Chris Miles
Dave Rodney
John Weatherill
If you require more information about SAAC please contact: